Insomnia, or chronic sleeplessness, is effectively treated with marijuana, and clinical research has verified the usefulness of marijuana in some cases. One study determined that CBD, rather than delta-9 THC, helped some insomniacs sleep better. Human studies show that cannabinoid-induced sleep does not differ much from sleep induced by conventional hypnotics. [i] In contrast to one of America’s favorite drugs, Valium, which, along with having a strong addictive potential, is also know to suppress stages of sleep conducive to dreaming. The Institute of Medicine recommended further study of cannabinoid sedation in its Marijuana and Medicine report of 1999. [ii]
A small percentage of research subjects have reported unwelcome “hangover” effects following the use of cannabis as an anti-insomniac.
Related sections: Psychoactivity.
[i] Hollister, “Health aspects of marijuana.” Pharmacological Review, Vol. 38, No. 1, 1986
[ii] Institute of Medicine, Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999
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